Armstrong song


Man on the moon said we,re runing out of sigth

cursed by fear from inside

All through this journey I,ll been trying to hide

behind the secret sign,s upon the screen



It hit me then with the speed of ligth

As I tumbled down  the stairs

My head so loaded with beauty and fear

that me sigth start,s to disapear




There,s a soul out here


There,s a soul out here

there,s a soul




Thats one small step for a man

one giant leap for mankind

I,ve said hanging in beetween eternity and man

with me senses all spread out on the line


A visionary dreamer a missionary man

all of these shades I left behind

Naked dispersed out in this desert land

it really blew me mind


There,s a soul out here.....................


Engine, s running and I wish I could receive

the message that was planted within me

Rocket,s burning and I,m on my way to leave

with part,s of me haunted endlessly


There,s a soul out here................


Where do I go from here